Managing the Humic Acid Fertilizing of Chickpea and Protein Status

Ali Kahraman


Legumes are consumed for the nutrition of more than 2 billion people over the world. As a legume, chickpea presents valuable nutritional components especially welded by higher protein and dietary fiber that is resistant to enzymatic digestion in human body. Konya City is one of the most chickpea producers in Turkey. In recent years, application of humic acid based fertilizer is increased considerably. Aim of the study was determination of protein ratio and protein yield of the field released chickpea seeds. A total of 4 humic acid doses (from dose 1 to dose 4: 0, 6, 9 and 12 kg da-1 respectively) were applied by 2 equal part (pre-sowing and pre-flowering periods) to the “Çağatay” chickpea variety in Konya ecology. Field trial was set up by randomized blocks design with 3 replications. According to results, protein ratio was detected between 20.56% (dose 4) and 25.89% (dose 3) while protein yield (kg da-1) was ranged from 39.77 (dose 1) to 63.56 (dose 3) values. In the study, 9 kg da-1 humic acid application presented the highest values for protein ratio and protein yield. On the other hand, change in humic acid doses resulted from variable values. Deep and long terms studies should evaluate more stable and trustable results to decide optimum fertilizing for desired protein statues and sustainable agricultural systems.


Cicer arietinum; Balanced nutrition; Humic acid; Human food; Seed quality

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