Some Classical Methods of Vegetation Attributes Measurements in Rangelands

Ramazan Acar, Ibrahim Musa Osman


Around the world in every single country rangeland considers the first animals feed source. Many years ago these sources contributing, supplying and securing animals' feed, besides of, its environmental benefits. Due to misused or unwise utilization; rangeland characters and features facing tremendous changes and degradation.  Therefore, management sound and wise plans should be arising to protect, improve and develop its characters sustainably. Undoubtedly, rangeland managers and environmental activists must their mandate and task be in these trends. Rangeland's management and monitoring are based on the evaluation of vegetation attributes (cover, species frequency, species composition, plant density, and carrying capacity). To estimate these attributes their are so many techniques and approaches designed for this purposes. However, the application and selection of suitable methods depend on rangeland characters and vegetation types. Each of those methods has a special considerations. According to this and vegetation features it is being selected. Therefore, this paper is introducing and focusing on the most common using rangeland vegetation attributes sampling methods. That will help young scientists and rangeland managers to pursue their work easily.


Method; Attribute; Vegetation, Sampling; Rangeland; Accuracy.

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