Natural Alternative Curing Agent in Fermented Sucuk Production: Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera L.) Molasses

Nazik Meziyet Dilek, Mustafa Karakaya


In this study, sugar beet molasses was used as a natural curing agent in the production of fermented Turkish sucuk in two different forms (molasse and powdered molasse). Some quality characteristics were determined during the ripening (1st, 3rd and 5th days) period of the obtained sucuk dough (0. day) and sucuk samples. In order to compare the effects of molasses and powdered molasses used as natural curing agents in sucuk, a control (K) group containing sodium nitrate was formed. The application of the natural alternative curing process in sucuk production causes a decrease in the pH value and TBA content of the samples during the ripening period, whereas causes an increase in the nitrosomyoglobin and residual nitrate contents. As a result of microbiological analysis, it was determined that the natural alternative curing process increased (P<0.05) the number of LABs and there was no significant change in the total yeast-mold numbers during the ripening period (p>0.05). In addition, total Coliform group bacteria were not detected in sucuk dough and sucuk samples on the last day (5th day) of the ripening period. Consequently, it has been determined that it is possible to reduce the amount of chemical nitrate by using sugar beet molasses and powdered molasses as natural curing agents in sucuk formulation.


Fermented sucuk; Sugar beet molasse; Natural alternative curing; Nitrate; Nitrite

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