Improvement of Physical and Sensory Properties of Bread Containing Cereal-Legume Composite Flour

Elif Yaver, Nermin Bilgiçli


In this study, cereal-legume flour blend (CLFB) containing an equal amount of cereal (rye, barley and oat) and legume (chickpea, soy and lupin) were used in the formulations of commercial bread (CB) and traditional flat bread (TFB) at 25% level. The adverse effect of CLFB on technological quality of breads was tried to eliminate using different combinations of additives (vital gluten, fungal alpha amylase, sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate, ascorbic acid, transglutaminase, glucose oxidase, lipase, pentosanase and xylanase) in both breads. Combinations with vital gluten, sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate, fungal alpha amylase, ascorbic acid and xylanase or pentosanase provided the highest bread specific volume along with CB prepared with 100% wheat flour. The additive combination including xylanase also revealed the lowest hardness in CB, as well as resulted in a decrease in the spread ratio and hardness values of TFB. Crust colour values (L*, a* and b*) were significantly (P<0.05) affected by all of the additive combinations in both CB and TFB. The combinations containing pentosanase or xylanase displayed a better improvement on the pore structure, appearance and overall acceptability scores of CB and TFB including 25% CLFB in comparison to other additives.


Additives; Bread; Cereal; Flat bread; Legume

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